Sunday, January 2, 2011


I have been baking since I was a little girl, mostly cookies during the Holiday season with my mother and sister.  It was always my favorite time of year, listening to The Nutcracker and baking away!  We would bake 10-15 different types of cookies a year!  That was when I still lived in Massachusetts, sadly I moved away 9 years ago.  My baking stayed at home with the fam...then I found my love for CAKES! 

About a year ago, my husband suggested that I get a hobby.  (he has multiple hobbies...multiple!)
I took a class at my local craft store and found that cake decorating was just the outlet that I had been looking for!  I have decorated about 15 cakes in the past year, and am now the resident cupcake baker for all of the work, birthday lunches that I attend. 

This was the first cake that I tackled.  A cake for a dear friend's baby shower.  (I made the cake 3 times before I was happy with the final result)  The cake looked good, but didn't taste that great...sorry Rebekah (and Emmy - now almost 1).  I guess that I just didn't understand what made a cake, a great cake!

Over the year, I have made some really good cakes (if I do say so myself!)  Peanut Butter Cup Cupcakes and Chocolate Mint Cupcakes top my list of favorite recipes.  I read a lot, watch a LOT of Cake TV and spend a ton of time looking at photos of other cake decorators cakes online. 

mmmmmm....peanut butter cupcakes!

The link below will show you all the cakes that I have conquered this past year.

Now...I want to know what makes a recipe tic!  I mean really, why do use baking power or baking soda as a leavening agent???  Why is the use of all egg whites better then a whole egg?  Why do you use cake flour instead of all purpose?  I HAVE NO IDEA!  I just read the recipe and bake away (sometimes the results are great, other times I could use some help!)  I figured it was time to find out! 

Join me as I cake, one recipe at a time attempting to find all the secrets to the best recipes.

Qu'ils mangent de la brioche!!!!  or "Let them eat cake!"

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